Personalized Cards allow you to use your own custom design to create a unique greeting card. Ideal for special occasions, personal or business events, announcements, or holiday greetings, these single panel cards can fit easily inside an envelope with a larger card or invitation.
These one-of-a-kind cards are created on premium weight card stock paper, with full color printing, and an optional glossy finish. No matter what your design looks like, you'll make a lasting impression with full color customized cards.
These cards are offered in a #7 Baronial size, which measures 5 1/8" x 7", and can be used as a greeting card or larger notecard. Full color printing can be added to the front or back of the card.
Ideal for reservation cards, special event announcements, or small menu cards, these personalized cards fit perfectly into an A7 envelope, which can also be customized if needed.